Elevate Newsletter
News from the Colorado Women's Hall of FameWatch for CWHF Annual Events in 2020
Inspiration is the ‘calling card’ of CWHF - Two years ago, during the CWHF annual strategic planning offsite, it was evident that in order to fully realize our mission, the organization needed to increase awareness throughout Colorado, tell the stories of our amazing...
We Say Thanks
Like every nonprofit organization, funding is our life blood. While CWHF hasn’t been consistent about its end of year fundraising campaign, we are getting better and advance planning and articulating a compelling case to give. In 2019, so many of you were very...
Women’s Right to Vote
The year 2020 may be the Centennial of the 19th Amendment granting U.S. women the right to vote, but Colorado women actually blazed the trail and started voting 27 years earlier in 1893. Colorado was the first state to grant women the right to vote. Priscilla Walker,...
Women’s History Month – March 2020
Women’s History Month had its origins as a national celebration in 1981 when Congress passed Pub. L. 97-28 which authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning March 7, 1982 as “Women’s History Week.” Throughout the next five years, Congress...
CWHF Featured at National History Day in Colorado
Reprinted from the National History Day in Colorado February Newsletter Rhiannon Szobody is an eighth grader at Broomfield Heights Middle School. When she began looking for topic ideas for this year's theme Breaking Barriers in History, she was searching for a topic...

2019 Fall Elevate Newsletter
Letter From the Chair Dear Friends of the CWHF, This time of year always reminds me to be grateful. Grateful for my family and friends. Grateful for your trust in me to lead CWHF for the next two years as Chair. Grateful for how far the Hall has come in 2019....
2020 Inductees Announced
The Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame Names Inductee Class of 2020 Ten Extraordinary Women to be Inducted in March A Secretary of the Interior and Colorado State Attorney General, a journalist and publisher, a frontier physician, suffragists, journalists, educators, head...
Partnership: Colorado Encyclopedia and CWHF
The Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame is delighted to announce its partnership with the Colorado Encyclopedia, a digital encyclopedia to serve as a reliable resource for all those interested in the Centennial State. Visit the Colorado Encyclopedia Conceived and developed...

Summer 2019 Elevate Newsletter
Join Us to Celebrate WOMEN IN STEM October 3, 2019
CWHF New Chair, Vice Chair and Board Members
Say Hello to Our new Board Chair, Vice Chair and Newest Board Members The Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame (CWHF) has named Deborah Radman Chair of the CWHF board of directors. Barbara Beckner will fill the role of Vice Chair. Deborah Radman is CEO of Radman...