Theodosia Grace Ammons Inductee Name Theodosia Grace Ammons Date of Birth Born 1861 Died 1907 Year Inducted 2022 Category Education Impact Colorado Theodosia Grace Ammons was a powerful first-wave feminist and nationally prominent leader in an emerging academic...
Ruth Cousins Denny Inductee Name Ruth Cousins Denny Date of Birth Born 1920 Died 2012 Year Inducted 2022 Category Education and Activism/Advocacy Impact Colorado The granddaughter of enslaved persons and one of five children of a widowed mother, Ruth Cousins Denny was...
Zipporah Parks Hammond Inductee Name Zipporah Parks Hammond Date of Birth Born 1924 Died 2011 Year Inducted 2022 Category Medicine/Healthcare Impact Colorado Zipporah Parks Hammond was the first Black person to earn a nursing degree from the University of Colorado...
Lydia Prado, PhD Inductee Name Lydia Prado, PhD Date of Birth Born 1960 Year Inducted 2022 Category Medicine/Healthcare Impact Colorado Dr. Lydia Prado has revolutionized mental health care in Colorado and beyond, placing care in the context of community well-being...
Libby Bortz Inductee Name Libby Bortz Date of Birth Born 1934 Year Inducted 2022 Category Activism/Advocacy Impact Colorado Libby Bortz has spent her life working to make a difference in the lives of others through counseling, housing, education, and criminal justice....
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