Join Us for Author’s Corner – A Free Virtual Event Series
Our Third talk: “Protecting Women”
Featuring Sumiko Hennessy, PhD and Dr. Lenore Walker
We will reach out to you when a new date has been scheduled.
The event is free to attend, but you must register on Eventbrite:

About Sumiko Hennessy, PhD
Always interested in both foreign service and social work, Sumiko Hennessy attended school in Belgium before receiving a social work degree in New York and a doctorate from the University of Denver. She was a founding board member and executive director of the Asian Pacific Development Center in Denver, which provides outpatient mental health services, information and referrals, drug and alcohol abuse counseling, and domestic abuse assistance to the Asian immigrant and Asian-American population. Sumi also served on the board of the Women’s Foundation of Colorado, the Women’s Economic Development Council, the Asian Advisory Council for the Mayor, and the board of governors of Nine Who Care. Internationally recognized for her dedication to Asians living in the United States, Hennessy recently worked in Japan as the associate dean of field instruction at a newly established school of social work. Currently she and her husband founded Crossroads for Social Work, LLC to train mental health professionals both in Japan and the United States. During COVID-19 crisis, Sumiko relies mostly on Zoom for her conference for Japanese groups.

About Dr. Lenore Walker
Dr. Lenore E. Walker has been a pioneer in the field of domestic violence in her private practice as well as at the state, national, and international levels. She is a licensed psychologist and, prior to moving to Florida, was president and chief executive officer of Walker & Associates of Denver. She also founded the Domestic Violence Institute, which conducts research on family violence. Lenore has been instrumental in the design and development of policy, training programs, and legislative reform and frequently testifies as an expert witness in legal actions involving abused persons. She wrote “The Battered Woman,” a groundbreaking book of interviews with abused women that won the Distinguished Media Award in 1979. She also wrote “Getting It All: Women in the Eighties, Women and Mental Health” and four editions of “The Battered Woman Syndrome.” Her newest book is a mystery novel, “Madness to Murder” that soon will be available on Amazon. Visit Dr. Walker’s site:
The Second talk in this series of Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame Authors featured Carlotta LaNier and Jill Tietjen, P.E.
“Over, Under, Around & Through
This event has passed, please see link below to view

About Carlotta LaNier
In 1957, at age 14, Carlotta Walls LaNier and eight other students integrated Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. This act of courage and defiance became the catalyst for change in the American educational system. The Little Rock Nine, as they would eventually be called, became ‘foot soldiers’ for freedom. In 1968 Lanier earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Northern Colorado and accepted a position at the Denver YWCA. Married with two children, she founded her own real estate company, and worked for 30 years as a real estate broker, currently works for Brokers Guild Homes. In 1999, members of Congress and former President Bill Clinton bestowed upon LaNier and the other members of the Little Rock Nine the nation’s highest civilian award, the Congressional Gold Medal, for their sacrifice and contribution to the cause of equality.
Buy Carlotta’s book “A Mighty Long Way: My Journey at Little Rock Central High School ” at Tattered Cover
Read Full Bio:
Thanks to all of our Sponsors & Partners for supporting in our mission to write women into history!

About Jill Tietjen, P.E.
Jill Tietjen, PE is a professional engineer, expert witness for electric utilities, a Board Member on corporate boards, and an author of books focused on sharing women’s achievements. Jill has spent much of her life mentoring women in STEM, as well as acknowledging women’s achievements and getting them recognized. Her efforts have resulted in numerous women being selected by the National Women’s Hall of Fame and the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame, as well as Admiral Grace Hopper receiving the National Medal of Technology.
Jill’s books span subjects from engineering to math to leadership to a timeline of women’s achievements. She has coauthored two Her Story books, as well as developed Her Story documents of women’s achievements in Africa to inspire the students in Africa. Her latest collaboration is with fellow Hall Inductee Dr. Ellie Greenberg to bring forth the wisdom of Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame Inductees and their approach to overcoming life’s challenges.

About Dottie Lamm
Dottie Lamm is a modern day renaissance woman who wears her many hats with pride. For 12 years she was Colorado’s first lady as wife of Governor Dick Lamm. She has also been a newspaper columnist, co-host of a television show, psychiatric social worker, airline flight attendant, feminist, environmentalist, mountain climber, skier, diver, jogger, a U.S. delegate to two United Nations conferences, and candidate for the United States Senate. Read Full Bio:

About Temple Grandin
Grandin has shared her vast expertise in livestock handling in hundreds of industry publications, book chapters, technical papers, and scholarly journal articles. Her best-selling Animals in Translation is one of seven books she has authored on animal behavior and autism. Thinking in Pictures and Other Reports from My Life with Autism describes her unique thinking process, which is based more on visual images than on words and language. Read Full Bio:
Thanks to Our Sponsors for Author’s Corner Series

Tattered Cover Books

Thanks to Our Partners

Boulder Book Store

Maria's Bookshop

Townie Books
Four Sponsorships Available For Author’s Corner Below. For more information contact Beth Barela, Executive Director or Barb Beckner, CWHF Board Chair at
Sponsorship benefits to be negotiated individually
Presenting Sponsor $7,500
- Classified as Presenting Sponsor for Author’s Corner events and listed as such on all promotional material
- *Pre recorded 30 second video advertisement during event
(ad provided by sponsor, ad may be changed for each event) - Recognition & logo on year-long event promotions (digital program, website home page, website event page, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram))
- Logo recognition during event
- Verbal acknowledgement during event
- Full-page advertisement in digital event programs being sent to all event participants
- Logo included in Sponsor Panel in digital program
- Featured profile in all CWHF Elevate Newsletters
- Logo featured CWHF website: Home and Events page
- Sponsor recognition social media for pre-event on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
- Dedicated social media (post event) on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram
Book Lover Sponsor $1,500
- Recognition & logo on specific event promotions (digital program, website event page, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram))
- Logo recognition during event.
Verbal acknowledgement during event. - Half- page advertisement in digital event program for one event
- Logo included in Sponsor Panel in digital program
- Acknowledgement in CWHF Elevate Newsletter issue closest to the event.
- Logo featured on CWHF website on Events page (could be linked to sponsor website if desired) 6 months.
- Sponsor recognition social media for pre-event on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
- Dedicated social media (post event) on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram.
Book Seller Sponsor – Percentage of sales
- Recognition & logo on specific event promotions (digital program, website event page, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram))
- Logo recognition during event.
Verbal acknowledgement during event. - Half- page advertisement in digital event program for one event
- Logo included in Sponsor Panel in digital program
- Acknowledgement in CWHF Elevate Newsletter issue closest to the event.
- Logo featured on CWHF website on Events page (could be linked to sponsor website if desired) 6 months.
- Sponsor recognition social media for pre-event on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
- Dedicated social media (post event) on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram.
Friends of the Hall Sponsorship $500
- Logo in CWHF “Elevate” newsletter closest to event.
- Acknowledgement as one of the VIRTUAL EVENT Sponsors
- Recognition and logo on all event promotional materials that include a sponsor panel.
- Logo featured on CWHF’s website ( for a duration of 10 months.
- Social media posts on CWHF’s social media platforms for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

*Presenting Sponsor is responsible for providing their own pre-recorded video advertisement/clip.